A little info about me....

A little info about me and how this blog came about....

I am a self confessed Wineaux and love to learn about and teach about the wonderful world of wine.

All of my education thus far has been through the highly regarded school of hard knocks. And though I find myself to be extremely technically challenged, my love of wine forced me to delve into the blogging world and start a wine blog in the hopes that fellow Wineauxs would contribute to my passion for education in this field.

But beware....this is a snob free zone. Any know-it-alls will not be allowed in this classroom.

Deb Nilan
"The Educated Grape"

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Welcome to my first blog

BIG LOUD cheer here!!! I am so very excited to be able to work my passion for wine into my life once again. We hope to have The Traveling Vineyard up and running by September 1st, so I am beginning now to fill my calendar with tasting events for the Fall season. My goal is to have 8 tastings for September; will you help me reach my goal? If you are interested in booking a tasting, please let me know by either responding to this post or emailing me at my new email address travelingvineyard@yahoo.com.

I am also in the process of building up a team of energetic wine entrepreneurs, if you are interested in making some extra money teaching about, learning about and tasting wine, please contact me ASAP and I will make sure you are fully trained and ready to go on September 1st. How much better can a job get?

I need to also send out a BIG thank you to Darlynn Nangano, my soon-to-be-downline-again who has inspired me to start this blog. You can also visit her blog at vintagevinogirl.com.

Now that all the bookkeeping is done, I need your help.......Could any of you recommend your favorite summertime wines? I have a 4th of July BBQ coming up and any advice would be great. If you have a great food pairing suggestion to go with your favorite wine, please share that too!

Thanks for taking the time to read my 1st of what will hopefully be many fun educational posts!

Cheers to all!



  1. this Wineaux loves a good Malbec with my steak on the grill!! And I love your blog Deb, so I can keep up with what's going on now that I'm on the sidelines...just sipping and watching :) -Bonnie

  2. Hey Deb,
    Nice looking Blog!
    I was at Shaws tonight and they have some great wines at 33% off. Just picked up a 2004 Rutherford Hills, Merlot from Napap Valley ($19.00) a couple of hours ago. Sadly the bottle is now empty, but I can say (without slurring, because I didn't drink it alone) that it was very tasty! Not your average Merlot. quite complex. with a powerful, yet pleasant bouquet of cherry and leather.
    And it stood up to the rib eyes we just devoured. Enjoy the weekend!

  3. Thanks Charlene. I haven't had that Merlot yet. I will have to give it a try....tough job.
